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Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa Utama


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    مستوى معرفة الجملة الاسمية لدى الطلبة والطالبات للسنة الثالثة بكلية دراسات القرآن والسنة جامعة العلوم الإسلامية الماليزية
    (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2009) Madihah Binti Mohd Yusof ; مديحة بنت محمد يوسف
    Sentence is one of the ways in delivering meanings, thoughts and ideas; which are important in teaching and learning process of language skills; covering listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are two types of sentence in Arabic Language which are "al-jumlah al-is-miyyah" and "al-jumlah al-fi'liah". "Al-jumlah al-fi'liah" contains "al-fi'il" and "al-faa'il" while "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" has two foundations which are "al-mubtada" and "al-khobar". However, the scope of this study in only limited on "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" Objective of this study is to measure the level of proficiency in understanding "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" for third year students, Al- Quran and As-Sunnah Faculty, Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM). The evaluation method used is a test which requires students to extract "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" from paragraphs given. Research methodologies used are book review and field study. The findings of this study indicate that there are some students who do not have knowledge on the two types of "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" foundations. The researcher can conclude that the level of proficiency for those students in understanding "al-jumlah al-ismiyyah" is typically low.
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    التحديات التي تواجهه طلاب السنة الرابعة في مهارة المحادثة في كلية دراسات اللغات الرئيسية بجامعة الإسلامية المالزية
    (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2009) Norazimah Ibrahim ; نورعزيمة بنت إبراهيم
    The purpose of this study is to determine sorts of challenges in speaking skill which are come across by students of Faculty of Major Languages Studies at Islamic Sciences University of Malaysia, Nilai. This study is done towards all 26 students from the faculty. To obtain the data of this study, the researcher used Analysis methodology by distributing questionnaires to the respondents in class. The respondents are required to answer 19 questions regarding their background, aim of studying Arabic , the way they practice Arabic and the way they think most effective to improve speaking skill. The findings of this study showed that students have less preference towards Arabic learning process and they the environment which bring them to speak Arabic exist at medium level. Despite, they feel scared and embarrassed when speak Arabic with error. At the end of this study, the researcher listed several suggestions in facing the challenges. This study is beneficial as a reference for everyone, not only Arabic language students, but to other languages students.
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    المحسنات اللفظية والمحسنات المعنوية في بعض أغراض شعر أحمد شوقي
    (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2009) Nor 'Ain Manap ; نور عين بنت مناف
    This research disscuss about uslub muhasanat lafziah and maknawiyah from balaghah in Syawqi's poem. The main purpose of this research to know the application of uslub maknawiyah dan lafziah in the Ahmed Syawqi poetry from Egypt. Insya Allah the result of this research will help student to understand the uslub balaghia. This research is an academic research whereby internet, balaghia books and Syawqi books poem's were the tools employed for data gathering purposes. Result of research was analyzed and had been translated into a brief explanation and understandable fact. The researcher was found that there are many uslub balaghiah (maknawiah and lafziah) use by Ahmed Syawqi in his poem especially uslub Jinas and Saj'u. This discovery is valuable and useful in Balagah subject especially for Faculty of Major Languages Studies students and the religion high school students.
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    تحليل كتاب اللغة العربية العالية للسنة الخامسة
    (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2009) Lukman Nulhakim bin Sahak @ Ishak ; لقمان الحكيم بن ساحق @ إسحاق
    This research analyses the 5th Form Student High Arabic Language Text Book. The main focus of this research is to analyze the book from various perspectives. This research analyses ways of titles arrangement and various forms of exercises and questions. Furthermore, this research is being conducted to find methods and standard of questions applicable for the students and also ways of explanation certain topics. Moreover, it is to determine the most efficient way of delivering technique in order to attract student's attention during learning process. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis by focusing on the text book's analysis and referring to related books and sources. It is concluded that, the text book is suitable for the student in learning and mastering the language basic skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. Furthermore, it can also be referred by others concerned in publishing new text book which is higher in quality and more dynamic.
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    استخدام الوسائل المعينة في تعليم اللغة العرابية وتعلمها: دراسة ميدانية في المدرسة الثانوية الدينية الوطنية سكامت، جوهور
    (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2009) Hafsah Muhammad ; حفصة بنت محمد
    This research is study the usage of teaching aid (ABM) as tools to attract students interest in process of teaching and learning Arabic language at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Segamat Johor. The respondent in this research are 97 students in form two, four and lower six and five Arabic language teachers also have been interviewed. This research aims to identify the usage of teaching aid in process of teaching and learning Arabic language among students. This research used quantitative method that using the field research such as interview, questioners and examine related document. The finding shows that the usages of teaching aid help the process of teaching and learning Arabic language in this school. It also finds that facilities of teaching aid for Arabic language still insufficient in this school. In other hand, the result of this research showed that the usage of teaching aid can increase students interest in learning Arabic language.