المحسنات اللفظية والمحسنات المعنوية في بعض أغراض شعر أحمد شوقي
المحسنات اللفظية والمحسنات المعنوية في بعض أغراض شعر أحمد شوقي
Nor 'Ain Manap
نور عين بنت مناف
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This research disscuss about uslub muhasanat lafziah and maknawiyah from balaghah in
Syawqi's poem. The main purpose of this research to know the application of uslub
maknawiyah dan lafziah in the Ahmed Syawqi poetry from Egypt. Insya Allah the result
of this research will help student to understand the uslub balaghia. This research is an
academic research whereby internet, balaghia books and Syawqi books poem's were the
tools employed for data gathering purposes. Result of research was analyzed and had
been translated into a brief explanation and understandable fact. The researcher was
found that there are many uslub balaghiah (maknawiah and lafziah) use by Ahmed
Syawqi in his poem especially uslub Jinas and Saj'u. This discovery is valuable and
useful in Balagah subject especially for Faculty of Major Languages Studies students and
the religion high school students.