(Universiti Sains Islam malaysia, 2016-07)
Abdullah @ Zakaria, Nur Faridah binti
Prayer is a routine that must be implemented by every Muslim individuals. Perfect
prayer can keep people from evil acts. This research was conducted to determine the
extent of the pupils understanding in year three primary schools to practice and the
importance of prayers in their daily lives. This research has three scope of the practice,
the key factors that affect the students perform prayers and the importance of
implementing prayers. The respondents was year five pupils from SK Putrajaya Presint
14(1), Putrajaya. The total number of the selected sample was 69 pupils, which is one
third of the total number of the year three. In this study, researchers used a questionnaire
as an instrument. The researchers used descriptive statistics to obtain mean and percent
correlation and statistical inference Person using the Statistical Package For The Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 software. The analysis showed that the respondents were
aware and understand the importance of prayer with the total high score (4.21).
However, the practice of praying in pupils is average and less satisfactory with a total
mean score (2.33). This matter should be taken seriously by all parties to make the
practice of prayer as a daily routine of pupils. Thus, several proposals were submitted to
the parties to take action to raise awareness and improve the practice of prayer among
pupils, especially in Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 14(1), Putrajaya.