Teknik Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya Membantu Menguasai Iqra’ Bagi Murid Tahun Dua

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Muhammad Sidek, Elias Bin
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Universiti Sains Islam malaysia
The goal of teaching in schools is academic excellence, glory and distinction. Iqra’ learning is a subject which belongs in Education of Islam. Iqra’ education require students to recognize, memorize, remember and mentioned well. In line with the National Education Philosophy to produce balanced human, thus the education aspect also emphasized Iqra’. This study is to see the extent of Iqra’ reading skills achievement among students of primary two from level one. Data collected on 30 items built on by using questionnaire was modified from previouslys reseach which is related with personal and family background of respondent.Part B deal with aspects of pupils' interest in Iqra’ (10 items), while Part C is aspects of academic achievement of students.The data obtained was analyzed using the Statistical Descriptive and Statistical Inference using SPSS Windows Version 19. One way test ANOVA and was used to test the hypotheses of this study.0:05 certainty was used for this purpose. Therefore, for the future studies, researcher suggests that the overall population will be used to obtaina more consistent finding. Comparison between respondents in urban areas and rural areas, usage of diversity data acquisition and joint research with private bodies to uphold Iqra’ reading among students should be done.