Engagement: How Far Engagement Custom in Malay Society Suits to Syara' Nowadays
Engagement: How Far Engagement Custom in Malay Society Suits to Syara' Nowadays
Mohd Zaid Husain
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Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia
In this Academic Project, the researcher presented about "How Far Engagement
Custom in Malay Society Suits to Syara' Nowadays". For this Academic Project, the
writer made a research based on library study. The researcher also got all information
from references in library. The findings indicate that, Malay community still practices
their custom and culture inherited from their ancestors. The practice is to survive
influence of ancestral custom in our community apart from maintain Syari'e Law as a
main asset in implementing engagement. Therefore, our Malay community also to
make varieties of the engagement custom in wedding day through variety ways either
according to the Islamic influences for art and teaching or from the influence of Hindu
Betrothal (Islamic law),
Marriage (Islamic law)