أسلوب الحوار في سورة النمل : دراسة وتحليلا

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Farah Nadia Binti Harun
فرح ناديا بنت هارون
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This research is focus on conversation styles in Surah Al-Naml. Emphasize has been given to the verses that contain various types of inter-personal and intra-personal communication. The aim of this study is to analyze language conversation elements due to the Surah. This analyze has been done in order to understand the usage of conversation styles as long as to compare with ordinary usage nowadays, and also the importance of Arabic grammar writing itself. Overall, this study based on literature review. Lot's of traditional and modem references used to collect information regarding Arabic language and Quranic studies. It is found that Al-Quran AI-Karim contents various types of conversation styles especially in Surah Al-Naml either interpersonal or intra-personal communication at all. The various based on the purpose of Quranic verses and its contents.
tes FPBU 2009 .F373, Qur'an--Language, style, Qur'an--Reading, Qur'an--Recitation