Kajian Mengenai Hubungan Di Antara Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Prestasi Kerja Guru: Kajian Kes Di Sk Seksyen 20, Shah Alam

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Saleh, Che Amah@Asmah binti
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Universiti Sains Islam malaysia
Employing a mixed method approach, the first aim of this study was to examine the relationships between four emotional intelligence domain (perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions) towards teachers’ job performance. Second, the study main purpose was to identify which emotional intelligence domain has the larger impact on job performance. Third, the study was established in order to identify whether there was any significance differences in emotional intelligence and job performance level due to several demopgraphic factors such as gender, race, religion, status, education level, age group, teaching experience, ikhtisas qualification, main role or position, and number of teaching duration per week. For the purpose of the study, 85 teachers (survey study) and 5 teachers (interview session) from SK Seksyen 20 have been selected. The findings of the study first, have revealed that emotional intelligence has significance and positive impacts towards job performance. Then, among the four domains, perceiving emotion and understanding emotion were seen as the most significance and positive variabel in determining job performance. On the other hand, using emotion and managing emotion were found to be positive but insignificance towards job performance. Lastly, based on ANOVA test, the study has found that there were significance differences in term of status and educational level towards certain emotional intelligence domains and job performance level. Several implications and recommendations have been proposed in the final chapter of this study.