الإستنساخ البشري في نظر الإسلام
الإستنساخ البشري في نظر الإسلام
Kaslina Bt Kamaludin
كساينا بنت كمال الدين
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Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia
This project titled with "The cloning of human being from Islamic
perspective" .As already known, cloning is an illegal and totally contradicts
Islamic teaching. It effectuates great calamity on the earth. It was commenced
on 1997 when western science scholar cloned animal like a sheep, cat and rat
in the year. Doing cloning on the Allah's creature is aptly forbidden due to the
changing on origin creature. This study is a science and technology study
owing to the relevancy of its process that influenced by science genetic field. It
realizes an imagination that always been relayed in television and films. The
study being carried out in order to ensure effectiveness of the cloning and also
to get knowledge about Muslim scholar opinions in commenting the issue. The
writer has used various ways to get information and data about cloning such as
surfing Internet, questionnaire, magazines and related document to the topic.
Cloning--Religious aspects--Islam,
tes FPQS 2004 .K375