الإمام السيوطي وعنايته في علوم الحديث
الإمام السيوطي وعنايته في علوم الحديث
Asimah Bt Abdullah
عاصمة بنت عبد الله
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This research is about Imam Suyuti and contribution in Ilmu Hadith. This topic is
chosen because of its importance, especially for the student and Muslims who
deficient to know him. Abdul Rahrnan Bin Karnaluddin Abu Bakar or Imam Suyuti
which one of the Islamic theologian hadith which well known on 9 Hijrah. His is more
obvious with his product various work especially his hadith's knowledge like Ulum
al-Hadith, Takhrij al-Hadith, Rijal al-Hadith and so on. The Tadrib al-Rawi Fi
Syarhi Taqrib al-Nawawi that become source of academic study to writer. This book
is one of his product works which the eldest in the Ulum al-Hadith. His contribution
in this field already bring benefit which so big in the discipline of Islamic knowledge
especially in the Hadith. He also refer works beforehand like Ibnu Hajar, al-Dhahabi,
Ibnu Solah, al-Balqini to help to get new idea and organize base on methodology
which systematic in his writing. Until now, his writing works whole remain and
become reference main Islamic theologian in attempt to harmony institution hadith,
after that to prestige sunnah Rasulullah p.u.b.h. in this world. Meanwhile also, writer
tries to write about his background, history and other several works like Tadrib
al-Rawi Fi Syarhi Taqrib al-Nawawi, Asbab Wurud al-Hadith, Musnad Fatimah
al-Zahra' R.A. Wa Ma Warada Fi Fadzliha and al-Laali al-Masnu'ah Fi Ahadith
al-Maudu 'ah. He also is pious a famous in his contribution which big in the Ulum
tes FPQS 2004.A856