العلاج القرآني للمس من الجن والشيطان

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Mazura binti Muhammad Nor
مازورا بنت محمد نور
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Disease is one of the nature problems that happened to all human being including physical, spiritual and mental. Each disease has its own medicine. Gd told us about the treatment and cured in Quranic verse (وننزكا من القرأن ما هو شفاء)s .w e know, the relationship between human beings and Satan were in hostility since God created Adam but Satan denied and haughtiest. Satan oath to revenge to the. human being by ravage them with confusing and made other heart disease though feeling. Prevention is better than cure in order to avoid human being doing the mistakes and false according to a "Goodness Concept" included the Islamic teaching. This research has given a several guideline to human beings to avoid themselves from "gangguan" Satan by practicing all of Islamic teaching consisted in Quran and Sunnah. There are lots of evidences from Quranic that talked about the method in how to cure the "gangguan" gin beside other ways that were practiced by prophet and "salafussoleh". Quran can be a protection to human beings from Satan, passions, greedy and jealousy. Ouran is the best of medicine and cure. Therefore, we, as a Muslim have hold and believed that only Quran can be a fort and prevention from all diseases by permission of God.
tes FPQS 2003 .M398, Remedy--al-Qur'an, Devil, (Islam)