الإمام مسلم ومنهجه في صحيحه
الإمام مسلم ومنهجه في صحيحه
Fatimah Ahmad
فاطمة بنت أحمد
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
The purpose of this research is to study the profile of one of the hadith scholars that is
ham Muslim Bin Hajjaj . It contains a brief introduction to his book " Sahih ", his
writing method, the objective of writing and the number of hadith included. It also
discusses the methodology used in writing the sahih The method used for gathering
data in this study is mainly based on Iibrary research and revision of books related to
the subject. It is found that Imam Muslim is considered as one of the famous hadith
scholars and his book. Sahih is considered as the third in rank after Al-Quran and
Sahih Bukhari. The book is written using distinct style and methods which is suitable
and influence other scholars that come after him.
tes FPQS 2004 .F385