Dawr al-Umara' fi bina' al-Ummah fi dhaw'i al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah
Dawr al-Umara' fi bina' al-Ummah fi dhaw'i al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah
Surina Bt Muhammad
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Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia
This study entirely focused on the function of today leaders in forming the ummah based
on Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Some of the dalil showed the leader's responsibility to
understand and solve each problems which era related to Muslims. Inside Al-Qur'an,
there are clearly stated about the Syariah low and it's methods to be read and understand
by Muslims. Without considering the times and places, Al-Qur'an still the most
important source for reference, including leadership. According, the prophet is created as
a prime symbol of guidance this study. The methodology applied to this study is by make
use of library as a center of knowledge to understand and recorded to every opinions of
ulama', which elaborated inside the modern's book and fiqh. Finally, it could be defined
the need of Muslims to the leader with having a strong faith in Islamic and also capable to
take part in polities, economies and socially in order to create the united 'ummah' and
developing the Muslim towards harmony and peace of life.
Leadership -- Religious aspects -- Islam,
tes FPQS 2004 .S875