al-Taqwa kama waradat fi al-Quran
al-Taqwa kama waradat fi al-Quran
Shuib Bin Samat
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
The purpose of this Academic project studies to know the content about the method to
according Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. To acquire the information and data, the writer
had used some techniques. Among the techniques is using by the writer is library
research with search the information in the old and modem Arabic books. Beside that,
the writer had been used the internet is purpose to find the information. This project
including the important of taqwa like in the Holy Quran.This project involved the real
means of taqwa, and parts according the Holy Quran.This project also explain to
public about mesagger taqwa to Allah. Beside that, this project explains to public
about good person (deed) and also introduces bad behavior or is not taqwa to Allah.
Today, the world with modem and material, many of people forget about taqwa to
Allah, until any of people is not believe to Allah. For people still believe and taqwa to
Allah good punish to them. Conversely, for people is not taqwa they will accept the
big sin and condemn by Allah S.W.T whether in this world or in the next world.
tes FPQS 2004 .S5853,
Islamic ethics--Religious life--Islam.