المحاسن في عادة فرفاتيه وبعض تعارضها مع الشريعة الاسلامية الدراسة عن : النكاح, الطلاق وتقسيم التركة

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Suria Muhammad Karim
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
The aim of this project is to look into " Adat Perpatih ",a culture and customs being practiced steadfastly by a big section of the people of Negeri Sembilan especially in the districts of Kuala Pilah and Rembau.This culture and custom that mainly revolve on manage, divorce and division of properties are what is going to be thoroughly discussed here. The finding of the research will identify the contradictions and the similarities between the " Adat Perpatih" and the Islamic Laws and practices. The research applies several methodologies namely Literature Review in the libraries Tun Sri Lanang'OJKM) Perpustakaan Awam Negeri,Sembilan,KUIM, interview sessions with the elderlies in Kuala Pilah and Rembau and seminar papers available in the researcher's own collection. In the course of this research the researcher can safely conclude that the practices of "Adat Perpatih". Actually enrich the culture and customs of the practitioners, and add values to the "Adat". On the contrary, the researcher also found out specific contradictions between the practices of "Adat Perpatih" with the Islamic Laws and Jurisdiction. These matters are discussed in great detail in this research.
Adat law--Negeri Sembilan, Adat law--Malaysia