صفات المؤمن والكافر والمنافق في سورة البقرة
صفات المؤمن والكافر والمنافق في سورة البقرة
Aliya Abdullah
عليا بنت عبدالله
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This project ilmiah entitled "Characteristic of Mukmin, Kafir and Munafik in verse al-
Baqarah. The writer divided this research into 3 tasks. This research is fully a library
research. The main objective this research is written to know clearly about the
characteristics of those 3 types of people, which based on al-Quran especially in verse al-
Baqarah. Writer also clarified the difference between Mukmin and Munafik clearly which
those people already exist among us who is confused to distinguish between Mukmin and
Munafik. For instance, the difference between Mukmin and Munafik was already
clarified in details through the verse of al-Quran. To know the signs of Munafik and
Kafir, it can determine from the evidence of al-Quran, not from the evaluations, which
based on human's mind, which probably come from their virtue and attitude. From this
research, the writer may conclude that Allah S.W.T. promised the heaven reward for
those who believe him, and painful penalty for Munafik and Kafir they have to face.
Religious life--Islam--Qur'anic teaching,
Munafiqun in the Qur'an,
tes FPQS 2006 .A453,
Muslims--Conduct of life,
Qur'an--Surat al-Baqarah--Commentaries