حياة العرب في الجاهلية كما يصورها القرآن الكريم

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Muhammad Fadhil Bin 'Abd al-talib
محمد فاضل بن عبد الطلب
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This study will discuss about Arabian life in the age of Jahiliah as well as depicted by Quran. Quran is the right and precise source used to imagine the real situation in that time which known by Jahiliah period. It is the important stage in Arabic history before the presence of Islam. This will show us about several events that affected to Arabian life from the aspect of politics, cultures, economic and knowledge. It will be explained by this studies based on Quran's imaging and made with detail explanation. This explanation will rectify all the incorrect information that were convey to us by the historian. So, Quran has come to clarify us about the true story of the age and showing us about the background of Arabian history and its politics. This study also mentioning about Arabian routine in their custom, culture and society's development. Generally, we may learn about the Arabian economic development through their business, agriculture and others that have given an effect to their routine in the aspect of politics, knowledge and manner. All of that depiction will be facilitating us to use it as our sources and references.
tes FPQS 2003 .M843, Arab history and civilization, Quran--Commentaries--History and Criticism