الشرك وآثاره في الفرد والمجتمع
الشرك وآثاره في الفرد والمجتمع
Rosliza Bt Ya
روسليزا يا بنت يا
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Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia
This research is done to clarify about concept of syirik and it effect to individual and
community. Nowadays, most of the Muslim abstracted from the Rasulullah S.A.W
guidance and misapprehend about the religious law and also follow the wrong
teaching which came from the tribe before them. The research is to be discuss about
faith and belief of Muslim. The methodology which is used in the research is collect
all the information based on it origin sources from libraries. After that, the writer put
the information at the available part. The research is different from the former
research from the aspect topic. The result from the research is 'syirik' one of the big
sin and who act by the 'syirik hence they are in straying for the whole of their life.
Genuinely, the knowledge must be followed by the practice and the practice need the
knowledge as the guidance. This is very important in try to build the understand
correctly about the religious knowledge among the Muslim.
tes FPQS 2004 .R674